Make Hope Contagious

Please join us in spreading hope locally and globally.

Please join me in growing a large-scale coordinated public health response to end the global epidemics of depression and violence.

We know how to prevent these problems but research-based prevention measures are not widely used in a systematic way.

For this reason, I will soon be offering online courses for anyone who is interested, on the topics of violence prevention, depression prevention and mental health promotion.

Offering tools to people so they can become agents for prevention within their spheres of influence, and connecting people in a meaningful and caring way is an important path for reducing stress and the risk of violence and depression. It is also a way to improve quality of life. 

Four Ways You Can Help:

We need your help with getting helpful prescriptions for hope out to larger numbers of people, and we need your help with growing this endeavor. For more information please click here.

Urgent Action to Address Huge Psychological Fallout

In the midst of this pandemic there is huge psychological fallout around the world.

Many people need support and information so they can help themselves more effectively manage the stress and negative emotions associated with this pandemic.

Millions of people are at risk for significant emotional distress, unhealthy coping with alcohol and other substances, and the increase in violence.

Streamlining Key Messages and Making Helpful Information Useable by Large Numbers of People

Frequently I receive messages from people in difficult circumstances, asking how best to deal with these situations.

Additionally, the public is flooded with self-help information. But, it is difficult to know what advice is actually trustworthy and helpful. Furthermore, this information can be in a form they have difficulty processing, especially when stressed and their attention spans are limited.

Solutions: Tools to Empower People and Promote Health and Hope

After having taught public health in the United States and prevention in mental health in Switzerland and health psychology in both countries at the graduate level, I have decided to now make this information freely available to anyone who wants to learn it for the betterment of their lives, their community and the world.

I am an experienced health communicator specializing in making psychological science and public health understandable to people from all backgrounds, regardless of education level.

The work I produce with my team is peer-reviewed, meaning, that other professionals and experts review and critique the materials before they’re released, so they are as accurate, reliable, and as helpful as possible.

Through the blog, we have already begun to make practical and easily accessible “tools” in the form of helpful information delivered in easy-to-understand digestible bites that you can immediately apply in your life…and are continuing to add even more every day.

Soon we will be offering online courses in prevention that will be made available to people regardless of their ability to pay. The tools of prevention have been developed with public funds but the fruits of this work are unfortunately not widely available to the public. We aim to fill this gap so that we can fully realize the potential of prevention modalities and take prevention to the tipping point.

Thank and I look forward to hearing from you.


SD Shanti, DDS, MPH, PhD

For More Information About Me

You can find a formal summary of my professional life on LinkedIn.

For details about my Prescriptions for Hope, the methods behind them, and to see what people, including two of the world’s most renowned psychologists say about my work, please click here.