Rx 27 Bread and Books not Bombs

by Dr. SD Shanti

What kind of world do you wish for your children and grandchildren?

We are wired as much for love as we are for aggression. War is not inevitable. We have choices as individuals and as nations.

The physical and emotional fallout of war and conflict contribute significantly to the global burden of disease and distress. If we want to improve the health of individuals and nations, then we must reset our compasses to focus on “tools of widespread construction” rather than “weapons of mass destruction.”

It is the only sane and compassionate course of action and future generations will thank us.

Rx 26 Write a Letter of Gratitude Day: February 18

Dear Reader,

Expressing gratitude and appreciation strengthens relationships and contributes to people’s happiness and wellbeing. It is one way to increase feelings of love in your life and in the world.

I invite you to write a letter of gratitude to someone who has played an important role in your life. To help you get started and offer some inspiration, here is a short video with information on how to do this.

While any day is a good day to write a letter of gratitude, February 18th is an ideal day, as it is the birthday of the late Chris Peterson, one of the founders of the field of positive psychology. You can learn more about his key message in the video. He was a remarkable man – a scientist and beloved teacher and colleague with a huge heart and this is one way to honor his memory and his legacy.

You may feel nervous writing a letter, but I promise you the results will be worth it.
Dr. SD Shanti

Rx 25 Increase Love in the World

Dear Readers,

It has been a while since I posted, as the pandemic continues to impose challenges. However, as large numbers of people are still experiencing distress and unmet needs, I looked for how to keep the mission of Prescriptions for Hope going, i.e. to prevent violence and depression and improve the health and well-being of populations.

Pursuant to these goals, I am launching today #52WeeksofLove.


Well…why not?

The pandemic has derailed a lot of things and public health is in the ICU, so we have to find new ways to keep advancing universal goals of health and well-being.

Love – in its multitude of forms – is at the heart of so much that makes life meaningful and worth living. However, we as humans individually, and collectively as humanity, have yet to realize our fullest potential to love one another and love our earth. I don’t mean this in a granola, tree-hugging way. I mean just simple things like being present to those we love and taking time to care for others in need.

I also mean big things on a population level – such as creating healthy workplaces, and promoting love and other pro-social content in mass media, instead of the violence and sarcasm that passes off as entertainment and foments violence, discord and hatred.

Join me over the next 52 weeks in advancing love in small and big ways – be it in your personal life or in the world.

I am working on creating the accompanying web site which will go live in the next days. It will feature resources for you to take action, inspirational materials, and workshops and talks.

Let us work together to increase the net total of love in the world. It is the only way forward and is the only way for us to survive on this planet and create a positive legacy for future generations.

Thank you in advance for joining me in whatever way you can, within your spheres of action and influence.

Dr. SD Shanti